head coach, duke university basketball
we're lucky we get people coming over to this country who are trying to get established and still believe in the dignity of work.
growing up, i was around all guys. at our dinner table, when my girls were growing up, we never talked about basketball. in fact, i never had a chance to talk. here i was, this hot-shot coach. the girls made you humble right away.
manager, chicago white sox
here's the thing. i can always go back to school and be a doctor. but a doctor can't go back and play basketball when he's forty.
a lot of people think i dye my hair. no, i don't give a fuck. i just worry that my kids live as long as they can. i hope i die before they do. i want to show my friends they are my friends. i want my wife to know i thinks he's hot. i want my team to win games. that's all.
head coach, university of oklahoma football
i've got a prayer on my desk. it says "dear lord, i pray that my place will never be with the cold, timid souls who do not compete yet criticize, for they never know or feel success or failure."
head coach, los angeles lakers
you always hear all the talk about team chemistry. i used to think, dang, what do they mean by that? chemistry is so broad. so i tried to find the simplest way to define chemistry. to me, chemistry equals trust.
*find more interviews at esquire.com
About Me

- jenniferwisniewski
- i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian