I have one of the most influential professors this quarter. It is absolutely refreshing in one thousand ways. I have so much work left to do before Wednesday. It's one of those things where I don't even want to count down the days because I want there to be more days and more time. As tired as I am of finals, I would like more time.
I think I say this in every single post, but I am happy.
Two of my best friends started working at Tech. Speaking of, it's the end of our quarter at work as well as at school. Slammed! Guess it's a good thing I'm good under pressure.
I am so excited for events post finals. They include:
Painting the wall in my apartment
Photographing the Joeffrey Ballet (aleeeeex! :D)
The German Christmas festival at the plaza
Movies, Plays
Ice Skating
Hot chocolate, lattes
Christmas Music
Buying Presents
Getting mad that I have to wrap presents without my moms wrapping stuff
A serious massage
Personal Branding
Jlo, beyonce
Nat King Cole
Eating great food
Ciders, mm!
Friends at home
Friends here
Actually being able to watch some hockey
Tonight is precious. I'm currently sitting in a living room on a RED couch with my booties on and the most comfortable shirt ever. The only lights in the room are two computer screens and a christmas tree lit up... and christmas tunes are playing.
Like I said, I'm happy. Enjoy yourselves and have a happy holiday season. YUM!