About Me

- jenniferwisniewski
- i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
can't i just always have this?
that's today. well most of it.
laughed with people i like
learned more about my baby brother
watched my two cousins seriously chomp a hockey team 7-3
#16! #33! my lil hockey rug rats
found prettiest scarf that i've seen in over 2 yrs. now its mine. #baller
it was seriously the best. i wish i could hang around my brothers all the time.
best lines:
jw: justin, you date girls that run out of bars crying. that's "your type."
kev: i kind of like this girl, i don't know what it is about her. sometimes i get the vibe she likes me and then other times i don't.
jw: just don't text her, you'll have her wrapped around your finger in no time. wait, does she have blonde hair?
kev: no, brunette.
jw: cool, do what i said.
jw; he's my precious baby angel
marj; he's so lucky to have a sister like you
jw; tell me about it
kev; dude, you're embarrassing
aaron: yeah i think you girls giggling missed like four goals actually. will it be like this the whole game?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
blogging to american football, suits the scene
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
my suga's getting sowr
My baby brother turns 17 today. I feel like I should be stepping into an elderly home. I couldn’t imagine kevy ever being older than 12, with his curly blonde head of hair and DC shoes. Doesn’t it seem so often the case with siblings---they become closer when one moves away? Every day of my life while I lived with kev, I would beat up on him and he would tell on me. It was a great thing we had going…really. I moved away and almost instantly fell in love with my little brother. I worried about him all the time. I started finding ways to ensure he worked hard to have good grades. He has this naturally happy, honest and translucent aura to him. Incredibly tall, but very skinny- you always notice him… and he’s always always smiling. So impactful. I think of that smile twenty times a day.
I was visiting home one day this summer and we had spend the entire day at the beach. Went back to my mums and I was just relaxing in the four seasons room with my arms folded behind my head and my legs crossed above my feet. Kevin came and sat with me the entire time and just talked to me. My god, he can make me laugh. Like, really really laugh. He uses his hands when he speaks- I always appreciate people who do that. That day we’re both sitting there just talking about something my older brother had said while we were at the beach and Kevin stopped mid sentence, put his hands out and sort of up in the air and said “GOD I just canNOT get over justin’s hair. I’m justttttt OBSESSED with it.” My brother is a handsome fella and can make me laugh in about an instant with all his goofy voices. He always says to me, “jenny, you’re my girl.” But that hair… man, that hair… it’s his trademark. And kevy’s is his smile.
Things aren’t so black and white now, but I’m proud of where I came from. I have two astoundingly optimistic men as siblings and i’m so thankful I never had a sister. I can swoon most girls, but man… I do not like to share things with them.
Anyway, much love to muh boyz.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
on tha' list
bite o' fall - zaZZZZzzZZZing
all the best ideas
they told me i don't need to worry

flat iron arts hosted a FASHION MASH this last friday. all of the flat iron studios were open and then a fashion show at double door. it was phenomenal.