I've been conjuring up ideas about what to do my HofGD book on. I'm thinking high fashion throughout the era's. I'm really interested in such---visually and conceptually... and I think it'd be interesting to learn more about it... see the progression and transitions throughout the years aaaaand make pieces that rock socks. Plus I like clothes and beautiful tall women.
It's creative. It's unexpected. And if you take it for what it is and that just simply, I think you're missing out.
This weekend is going to be demanding and I hope I have enough energy to do it all without my brother. He leaves for SC today, although, I'm going home tomorrow morning. I'm a little nervous. It's awful timing. I'm too proud of him right now. It's close to overflowing my heart.
This weekend has a ton of great great dynamics though....Those are the following; family, numero uno. Whit, Jen B, Jen E, Aaron, Bowling, Bevs, Peks, and CHLOEGIRL. NOT WRIGLEY. NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WRIGLEY. HE IS NOT A PERK. HE IS A JERK. But Charlie, oh I can cuddle that monster up. And I will. I will make him sit with me. In short, I can't wait for it all.
ON THE UPSIDE, I received my passport last night. And had a sleepover with KIMS. It was cute. We're really cute together. We have freckles and red hair together and we're both designers aaaaand we both like reading before we go to sleeps. We had on our glasses and our jams and our materials while sitting slash laying propped up against the wall. I got to pick when I was tired, too. And she closed her book when I did and we said goodnight, bear. And then the other one said goodnight, bear.
You're waaaay too much for me! Let's get on the same page, if I am "Jen E", I must clarify, I am JEN T!!! I am proud to rock my man's name!Annnnnd, for the record, Charlie is a girl- although she has a he name. :) It's all good though.
ReplyDeleteThat's right, Charlie's a girl - - get it right! I know I've told you a time or two or two million!! But I still love ya :) ALWAYS!
ReplyDeleteoh f, i always forget when people get married their names change. hahahah. i'm serious though.
ReplyDeletealso, to both of you, i do feel that charlie displays peculiar behavior patterns, which reminds me of men, so i just kind of consider him one. that was a lie. but now thinking back to it, he is a little awkward sometimes. i mean he wants to cuddle and touch you a little bit, but not TOO much. he wants to be around a little bit, but not TOO much. kind of a weirdocatcakes.