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i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


the past few years, i haven't really taken many photos. i plan to change that now. in the meantime, i pulled these off facebook a while back and left them on my desktop. they all hold a certain exasperating memory for me.

during the summer, i spent a day with a girl by the name of sarah. we've grown apart since, but we understood each other. we had a photography class together, so we got to borrow these really expensive cameras and galavant around the city pretending we knew (or cared) what we were doing. this was one result. [fall 2007]

christian. christian, christian, christian. a kick ass roommate and a great girl. this was taken during our apartment warming party at 1907 n california in the summer of 2007.
whitney, she's been my main squeeze since the first grade. can you believe that? we were six. [winter 2008]bug and i celebrated our 21st birthdays in vegas. exhibit: HOT. [fall 2009]
christian and zach came to visit bug and me in vegas. [september 2009]
easily one of the best nights of summer 2009. kaleigh and jake's wedding. boy did we dance. and i had the best date ever. oh, and i was barbequed to death.

part of a midwest tour. this was before we were 21, bug and me stayed with justin. we went out with nate, jer, david and some other dudes. we went to a bar in east town gr and we ended up accidentally portraying ourselves as lesbians. [thanks justin for the heads up that we were at a gay bar]... in a matter of minutes, our inboxes were full of texts and requests were booming on facebook. we ended up dancing [brit ended up falling down stairs] all night and some other weird bar. every bar in gr is weird. anyway, a kick ass night. [summer 2009]the weekend of whitney's 21st. spent in chicago at my apartment on roscoe/broadway. holly and i decorated and when whit showed up to balloons, banners and a great fruit dessert...she was happy. that weekend, we danced, shopped, and sipped on cocktails. [may 2009]


  1. we will be documenting this weekend in pictures. HOT SHOT RIOT. <3

  2. might be my favorite post of yours. missyou<3
