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i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A few things to take note of:

Megan: How do I up my alcohol tolerance?
Jennifer: DRINK. Just drink. Drink, girl. yeah, drink. I can help.
Jennifer: I'd probably just start fights in the gentlemen's club and hope I got paid for kickin ass. Think it'll work? Have any suggestions on which one I should try first?
Asad: no clue, don't waste my time at such places... would suggest you try a bar though, feel like your skills/personality are better suited to that.
Jennifer: So i'm a more suitable candidate for drinking than stripping? Knew I was getting somewhere with my life. 
Jennifer: He's a man of your past. 'Nuf said.
Megan: I already responded, and i was mean. it was stupid. I feel like a fuck, but no regrets?
Jennifer: Just come in today, it's me and a slu of other useless individuals.
Anna: I caaaant, gotta work at the ghetto ass bookstore. With my  useless individuals.
Jennifer: Ugh. I need lunch. I'm too hungover for whataburger.
Anna: Fuck whataburger. Get some panda express.
Jennifer: HAHAHA. Everyone is so awesome today. I'm so giggly. I literally went into the bathroom just to giggle and laugh. hahaha. I love being hungover.
Anna: Haha I think you're the only one in the world who has ever written "I love being hungover"
Anna: Ahhh i can't wait to get back there
Jennifer: Duh. Let's play giggles every morning. That's... well, that's how much I like to drink at least.
Anna: I'll see you there.
Jennifer: Just an FYI and inform the rest of Blackhawk that no one is to like her better than me. That's more final and more official than The Park on Waters new branding.
GSR: If I tell you one more time how irreplaceable you are, my ego is going to start dropping.
Asad: my personal opinion is that blogs / twitter/facebook is overrated.
Jennifer: That's because you're old and indian.
Asad: This is awesome. I'm getting to know all the charming parts of your personality. And I still like you.
Brittney: Pissed tho cause weather is supposed to be thunderstorms all day tomorrow.
Jennifer: So our agenda is to sit inside and sulk about being hungover and fat?
Megan: But it sounds good.
Jennifer: What? Really?
Megan: Yeah, cuss words just sound nice coming from your mouth.
Chris: Don't you ever get dizzy dude?
Jennifer: uh, I mean.. I'm sure every once in a while? Why?
Chris: You move at like pace ten thousand and do 50 million things at once.
Jennifer: Point taken. I can multi-task, I'm not a male.


Asad: Girl, you're wacko no doubt but generally seems like you know what your talking about, big picture and I mean really big picture.
What I really like is that you never take anything I say seriously.

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