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i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Everyone who has ever lived in a city.. knows that it's hard to meet people in a city. It'll never fail to be interesting to me that a place that holds thousands of people can be an utmost intimidating social atmosphere.

I'd also like to make it a point to mention the sparks. Those breaths of fresh air you get in a world of pollution and clutter.

Yesterday, Wednesday, was a good day for me. I accidentally missed my 8am class but don't really mind so much. I took my time getting ready, grabbed my portfolio and my mac and headed downtown. I was in my class early, read up on some stuff and went into class. My school is vastly different from most colleges. I don't go to a university and I know everyone in my major- although, most of them I identify by their design work- not their hobbies, personality or what they're doing on the weekends. I don't make it a point to be friends with them. No one does, really. It's a lot of weeding through the shit to find the gems. Which I believe I've succeeded in doing so.

I have a web design class this quarter. Basically, that means there are a lot of people in my classes that I don't know---not usually the case. First, it's on a different floor than the VC department, which means you're in the mix of a different crowd. Secondly, there are a variety of majors that take web design classes. And third, well.. no one cares about what comes third anyway. It's always about first and secondly.

So, it's a different scene and a whole new ball game. Not only is the work a lot different, so is the professor as are the peers. It's good for me. I think without this web design class, I'd be getting bogged down in the familiarities of another Port class this quarter, etc.

I just realized this blog post became about me. Oh well.

I gave a presentation for my group yesterday. I was so interested in everything we were learning about. It's different than just being forced to output and design5000 all the time. Everything we were doing was thought-based.

In high school, my main focus was marketing and business. I loved DECA to my core. Researching, coming up with a concept, reports, being active about my projects, writing about them and designing a presentation.. then traveling, etc. Yesterday made me feel that same excitement. I know that if I wouldn't have gone to school for graphic design, I would have gone for marketing/business. My third option would be/still may be my EMT certification/BA in fire science- we're not sure about this one yet.

So, my day was shaping up quite nicely. I printed some great design articles off and had a nice lunch. I needed the 'me' time. Then I talked with someone about really serious things. That felt nice. To be exposed in a confined area. It's good for you. Then I met up with Adam, had chats and laughs while prepping my stuff for my portfolio meeting with Son. I met with Son and that all went well... I know how my quarter looks for my class and it's insane but it's nice to have all the cards laid out on the table. I left class a little while after my meeting and was going to do something nice for myself. Oh, come on.. you know how that is.

Mani/pedi was my solution. I was happy. Prepared. Ready to go home and relax. I enjoy taking public transportation. It allows me to pay attention or not.. whichever I choose. And I can get things done during my commute.

I'm sitting on the bus and I put a playlist on and I'm glancing around.

The first thing I notice is the woman sitting across from me. I've been on a bus with her a few times now. She has strawberry blonde medium length hair, perfectly straight teeth. She's always wearing lipstick, her hair is done up, but you can tell she's had a long day... just with enough product in it so it still lays decently. She's been used up for the day. She usually wears a longer skirt or dress with high knee socks and boots. Same with today. She's the type of woman who wears a longer length red pea coat. She's sitting there reading a book she's not entirely interested in. Other things are distracting her. A man gets on the bus and sits next to her. He has a Brooks Brothers bag, a really expensive but totally for an older guy brown coat, khaki pants, dress shoes, his hair has gel in it, no wedding ring. He wasn't wearing anything pretentious and didn't have a briefcase.

He sat down. She moved only her eyes in his direction. She smiled but hid it with her hair so he didn't see. He shivered and she looked up at him and said "Isn't it chilly?" He immediately smiled back and they started conversing back and forth. I could have taken my headphones out, but I didn't. I wanted to let them have it. It was romantic (and I am no romantic. Not a cynic, either ((not usually, anyway)) but the way they moved their legs in toward each other.. I kept looking up at him and couldn't stop smiling. I hope he knew what I was thinking. My stop came before theirs, and it took me a second, but I decided I was okay with that.. I hope they meet again.

I love this city.

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