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i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian

Friday, March 27, 2009

been to a good do?

Yello to all of my fans... from London. I have crossed the Atlantic safely and soundly. And haven't ridden in any cabs with any attractive english men... YET. ;) oh cool your jets whitney! I will not be stolen. 

After being awake for exactly 36.5 hours, you bet your ass I crashed on the plane. I was on my seat cushion, had my neck pillow and fleece blanket... and the eye mask came right on. You better believe I missed drinks, both meals, high turbulence and the most romantic thing ever;
There had been a little boy (I'd guess he was 7 or 8) sitting right next to me. THANK GOD IT WAS A OVERNIGHT FLIGHT SO HE SLEPT. I could not handle any monsters during the hours of my exhaustion. Anyway, I cannot sleep well in the position with my head above my feet. Generally, I have to have my feet up on something. So I placed my feet on my bag and laid semi slanted in a diagonalish position in my area. Anything was comfortable at my level of delusion anyway. So, i was in this position and the little boy had his feet up on my legs (which was relayed by the kind and warm hearted, yet a little cynical (which i didn't mind a bit and generally don't in moderation)  woman that was next to me the entire flight. I missed all of this. I'm a light sleeper. THAT is my life. Occasionally missing a lot because I'm laughing too hard or not conscious enough to take note. I just have too much going on in my life, but keeping busy (and by this I mean disgustingly, feverishly busy FUELS me. Ironically enough. I like pressure, deadlines, scrambling etc. this is just who i am. 

I also went without caffeine for nearly 17 hours. That's a first. I've come to terms with the fact that this will be my lifestyle, being dependent on one thing only. Double espresso? ABSOLUTELY I'LL HAVE FOUR. haha, silly. 

It took Anna and I nearly 25 minutes to find each other in the Heathrow Airport. I was a little nervous, but only like a grain of salt worth or nervousness. I knew she was coming and I don't mind being lost... even though I am a CONTROL FREAK. Yep. Get ova' it. 

I did want to take a small second to mention that I don't feel jetlagged in the slightest. Want to know why? Because I am a mean and awful partner to my body. Little to no sleep each night, loads of caffeine, my body doesn't know a time zone from a sailboat. I have an irregular heartbeat... due to red bull's, coffee, lack of sleep and too much hard work of course. 

I have this voice I use/certain tone/repetition of words that sounds very similar (IN MY MIND ONLY) to Dane Cook. He's disgustingly hilarious in all forms, if ya ask me. 

It's interesting seeing the pubs and restaurants here. I'm familiar with many of them because Technomic has all sorts to do with UK Chains/Independent restaurants. It's really nice, especially because Anna worked there too. 

Today the following happened or I made them happen;
ate at strada > walk through islington > camden market > robs flat > TESCO > a+j sleepover. we're taking it easy tonight to pump up for tomorrow. 

i need to catch up on the last of lost. PEACE! 
ps- whitney! have a safe flight tomorrow. e-mail me so i know you're safe if you get a chance or i'll worry. you know how i am. thanks chickcakes.

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