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i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian

Thursday, March 26, 2009

insinuating rec.'s

This has been one hell of a week. A MAD silly week. 

I'm catching up now. I'm catching up on Lost and blogging. I don't feel tired, which is a problem. I cannot believe I've trained my body to be OKAY with all-nighters. I mean, of COURSE I have. It's just so weird to think about. When I board my flight, I'll take tylenol PM to sleep. If I don't rest, I'm not even sure what Anna will do with me. She hasn't dealt with my delirium thus far. She'd probably leave me for the birds. 

This is the first few hours of free time I've had in weeks. It's beautiful and a little intimidating. 

You'll never even believe this. Jane sent me the most fabulous travelers kit EVER. Jane has traveled and lived all over the world. She's an expert. Anyway, my care package included the following:
Neck Pillow, Sleep Mask, Travel Journal, Locks for my Suitcases, Book & Book Light, Inflatable cushion to sit on, book on London, Fleece Blanket, Passport Holder, many hygienic one-time-uses, and MORE. I cannot wait to put it all to good use while I rest. 

Not to mention she's been a fabulous travel planner. 

Chris posted a blog the other day that had a partial tribute regarding his thoughts on the greatness he has in him because of me. It really touched my heart. Chris and I hadn't played nice for a long time and our words were always staggering. Constantly shocking me. I wished him luck in Denver with his endeavors and told him we should share design work over e.mail---we were always good at that. Come to think of it, that may have been the only thing we were good at. There haven't been many times I've been scared of who I'd be without so and so(in fact, i remember the last time.. it was summer after my sophomore year of high school)... but before ending things with Chris, I was worried about not having that person to discuss such a huge part of my life with. If you're not a designer, you can't understand that it's not feasible to discuss design with anyone other than a designer. Sure, you can ask... "Would you buy this?" "Do you prefer this or this?" But it's just a "yes" or "no" or "the first one" as opposed to---
"Kern dat shit"
"You're not an illustrator, are you?"
"I'd push that farther, it's not where it could be."
"What's with the palette?"
(and other bitchy and semi-bitchy remarks, hah)

I couldn't give a fawks less about having someone to cuddle up with, having someone to go to the movies with, having this, having that.. monkey junky foo fong. I can do those things alone. But I did care about a designer always being around. Then Chris moved out. I hadn't thought about it until last week sometime. I remember bringing it up to Kim, telling her how worried about it I had been and how I hadn't even thought once of it. I've got some really great design friends that I'm constantly sharing work with, so it sort of makes up for it. Either way, I wish Chris a positive and fulfilling future in whatever path he chooses. 

I've found a method of getting things done for school. That is, absolutely and without a doubt, working at cafes in my spare time. Far less distractions, not to mention a positive environment. I'm making it a priority to rock socks next quarter. 

Just to let you know, I've got my booties on and Josh Holloway on my mind. 

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