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i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Beware; this post is going to be random. Not enough time to dissect thoughts into proper language, so get ready for extreme casualties--

So.. went to meet Beth last night. Gay Bar. No dancing. Pointless to have gay bars where people don't dance. I'm not sure if staring at gay men is wrong or not. I'm going to go with a no and keep looking.. and, ultimately, putting cash in their pants. Perfect example of who i am-- see below;

People constantly ask me why I don't like dishwashers. I figured it out today. It's because my mom always used to ask me to do it while kevy played halo and justin watched  bob villa on tv. 

Jennifer: dude, tell me how to light a pilot
Justin: i hope you're not on a plane
Jennifer: i need to learn how to cook dude
Justin: Pilot on what? a stove?
Jennifer: Yeah silly
Justin: Put a match by the burner and turn the gas on
Jennifer: no no. the pilot, they blew out. all four. and the lighters i have are the ones that make you cringe in pain after you scrape your thumb against what feels like sand paper trying to light it.. then you ultimately want to rip all your locks of hair out.
Justin: the plane is going to crash if the pilot went out

Pissed that i can't ever sleep in. 7.5 hours max. 

DUDE... my soccer team played in semi-finals on friday.. WE WON. a guy from the other team was also taken out of our game and to the hospital. we lost 2-3 the championship game, although, there were still at least 7-10 mins on the clock and the lights SHUT OFF on our field because the field time was messed up due to the delay per the incident. AND I GOT A YELLOW CARD. 

Oh.. other good news-- got approved for my final student loan.. BOOYAH. woah, this week was such a success.. time to celebrate. First--- taking 16 advil so i can run without my shin splints killing me.

Plan to be the hottest.. or at least the second hottest bridesmaid this weekend. NC on thursday. YEAAAHHH. 

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