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i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian

Friday, May 15, 2009

i'm analyzin' the game.. and the game done told me..

I just considered ironing pajama pants. HAHAHA who am i? Not sure, but I'm over it.

Some important notes;
1. I woke up today at 8 even though I didn't have to be at work. I love having a good sleeping pattern. A+ for getting things done. TWO A+'s for not going to work on a day where I'm not supposed to like I usually do. GAH. 

2. Just got my new EXT HD in the mail! I met my mailman. He is the most precious thing ever. Seriously. He made my entire day. Transferring everything over now. My old one died, p.s. which basically means i'm screwed out of life and i need ot take it to a technician where i will, inevitably, pay over $100 to have my stuff out of there. GAH. I need my progressions tho. GAH. 

3. MY SHELF ARRIVES TODAY. i'm gon (i need to stop typing that and texting that, i sound ghetto) put it up & love it. 

4. i also get new contacts today

5. i also play soccer in the rain today

6. my girls are coming into town. you cannot even start to IMAGINE the insane crazy hug they're all gonna get when they show up to my field. i'm going to be sweaty, hot, out of breath.. with a fiery excitement in my heart. i've already realized i'm going to completely embarrass myself in front of my entire team of mostly males (i'll explain why this matters in a second) and i've decided that i am absolutely okay with it. the thing about soccer, or any sport really, is that when you play on a co-ed team and you're not male, you have to prove yourself (sucks, but that's how the world is.. .and i'm okay with this as well because i almost always do prove that i'm a tough little shit). the ways i've found to be most efficient + effective are;
a) running after the ball no matter where it is --this shows that you can see and have energy
b) holding your position but not being afraid to get out of it 70% of the time.. as long as you are willing to put out the proper energy and pace to get back into it within about 10 seconds max
c) tripping people (in attempt to retrieve the ball ((and only effective when you come out having won the ball)) ).  even if it's on accident... mostly males, but females are OK on OCCASION only. the reason for this is because if you're always targeting females and only playing maximum D on females they'll think you're too scared to get a 1 up on the males. you also have to play hard on the females too though to;
a) show fully that you are capable of getting some serious turf on that B
b) trick them into thinking you're only good at females so when the males have the ball they'll come down your side of the field where you will promptly steal the ball and pass to one of your teammates, the red team, duh. 
c) because they're out there trying to win too and you need to show them that you're tough as shit 

d) being an A+ defender at all times even if you're a good striker, too. i'm not keen with tricks and 'faking out' etc.. so i use my abilities in other arenas. 

Point being, I feel like i've done an O.K. (what does that stand for??) job at showing my shit so i'm pretty excited to get girly because... well, i simply can't help it. 

yeahhhahaahhhwww.. (mix between yeahaah! and yeehaw! be stoked)!

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