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i promise to make you so alive that the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you. –nina cassian

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Funny story. My (bear) brothers came into town last weekend to help me paint/move/set up. It was a precious affair, really. They stayed for my soccer game on Friday night. I was playing and one of them was taking pictures. One of my "friends" (my team doesn't know each other well enough yet to call each other friends) on the team asks "UHMM do you know those people? THEY'RE TAKING PHOTOS OF YOU!" Hilarious. 

Also, slept on top of my phone and apparently my back turned my alarm off this morning. Usually wake up at 7 without an alarm. Boss called at 9am. Woke up from lucid dreams with the "WHERE IN THE HELL AM I?" feeling. Turned into a relaxing morning at home with coffee, a longer shower and then I booted off to school to get some work done. It was an ok thing. :)

Just found that all the photos I was going to use for the re-design of the Australian Ballet's AR are low-res. Will have to venture to the public library for books. Drag(s). 

Found awesome set of dishes online--- http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_02469952000P

Going to see if I can find them at the store. PEACE OUT HOES. 

ps.. enjoy cinco!

1 comment:

  1. So where's the soccer pis?! I was hopin' to you in action!
